Race Cars in Leavenworth?

I found an interesting link the other day.

To advertise their toy race cars, Hess gas stations had a video created that transforms the streets of Leavenworth into the site of a road race for their toy race cars.

According to the company that created the video, “Speedshape created CG animations, matte paintings and 3D renderings, delivering a total of 23 full CG shots, 17 CG live action integration shots, as well as all compositing and finishing… Traversing amid CG snow-capped mountains and icy tunnels, the racecars finish the race in a jubilant town square filled with children gleefully awaiting their arrival… CG Supervisor John Ikera traveled to Leavenworth, WA for a shoot that would be used to re-create the Christmas village via image modeling the entire town.”

Here’s the video. About halfway through, you’ll see “Leavenworth: The Miracle Town”.

You might want to turn the volume down… it’s pretty loud!)

2 Responses to “Race Cars in Leavenworth?”

  1. Geordie Romer says:

    Very cool. It seems like every time you turn around someone else becomes a fan of Leavenworth – more and more "Accidental Bavarians" every day.

  2. b whipp says:

    This is great. Hess gas stations not even in Northwest?!
    Also, you might mention radar speed traps in little towns on Hwy. 2
    (Davenport, etc.)!