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Local Businesses Page

Thanks for visiting us. We want to make sure the information we have on this website is as complete as possible and provides value for potential tourists who come to the site and for you as well. For that we need your help.

If you find any errors with your information or if you have other events for us to include, please EMail us by clicking the link below. Also if there are other groupings your site should be found under. And if you have suggestions for future additions to the website, please let us know.

We’d love to have you link to our site. Here is some sample code to place on your site to link to us:

There are over 1000 businesses or organizations we’ve identified so far that we have in our database and available on-line here. We were just astounded by the number. The site will continue to expand as we go and we hope to be a part of Leavenworth for some time to come.

We have been asked about advertising on our site. We will continue to provide links from our site to yours without charge, but if you’d like to be seen better and stand out from the crowd you can advertise with us.

Current advertising rates for a business card-sized are based on the type of page.

Prices for a business card-sized ads (with links to a page of your choosing) are as follows (paid 6 months at a time):
   Home page: $50/month
   Other pages: $40/month

One future improvement we hope to add is a virtual walkthrough of the town, so people can click on a building and “see inside” it as they plan their trip… or if they are just homesick for their favorite places. We’ve already talked to some of you on a previous trip and gotten interior pictures. We’ll let you know when that is ready to go.

So Fritzi and Mitzi, the Accidental Bavarians, say “Herzlich Willkommen, Leavenworth!”